Program > Workshop and Tutorials

WS1: Smart LEGO Factories for Engineering Education

Organizers: Andrea Matta, Young Jae Jang, Barış Tan

Date: Aug. 23, 2021,half day

Abstract: The digital transformation in the manufacturing systems demands the education and research to be revolutionized. It is not sufficient to teach manufacturing systems and recent technology such as Artificial Intelligence or sensor data separately. Teaching smart factories must incorporate the domain knowledge of the manufacturing itself and how technology influences the behavior of the system. The teaching instructor needs to understand how to establish communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills on top of the complex smart factories. This workshop will demonstrate the new education platform using LEGO Smart Factory systems which were designed to embody the core principle of the manufacturing system. The platform combines several automated stations and robots to form a functional manufacturing system. It has been tested for a few years and returned good feedback from the students. How Smart Factory systems are used in high level education engineering will be also subject of the workshop, pointing out the added value to the teaching activities and its limitations. The use of Smart LEGO factories for research will be another point of discussion in the workshop.

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WS2: Novel robot technologies for agile manufacturing

Organizers: Anton Mauersberger, Jyrki Latokartano

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Date: Aug. 23, 2021,half day

Abstract: Modern manufacturing companies can remain competitive only if they maintain a high level of agility in their production processes, i.e. if they are able to effectively respond to changing customer requirements. The aim of this workshop is to gather top researchers and experts from academia and industry in order to discuss opportunities that increase the agility of manufacturing by introducing advanced robot technologies into the production processes of manufacturing companies. We have identified several main advanced robot technologies that can contribute to this goal, e.g. collaborative robotics, possibly supplemented by sensory systems to ensure safety, programming by demonstration, advanced user interfaces based on augmented reality and speech, reconfigurable robot work cells, reconfigurable peripheral equipment (fixtures, jigs, grippers),  automated guided vehicles (AGVs), soft robotics.

The workshop is divided into two different kind of sessions that will be held in the morning: research session with industrial relevance and interactive session. The research session features talks of renowned researchers in different areas mentioned above. They are focusing on how their technologies can contribute to increase the agility of industrial production. The aim of the interactive session is to collect representative use-case implementations and demonstrations of promising new robotic technologies. Afterwards industrial technology providers will speak about their innovative approaches and required developments from the research community to help them implement these solutions in industrial production processes. During the following interactive session, the audience can get in contact with the contributors by asking questions.

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WS3: Smart Robotic Systems for Advanced Manufacturing Industries: Planning, Interaction And Collaboration With Humans

Organizers: Philippe Fillatreau, Mourad Benoussaad, Jan Rosell, Neil Dantam

Date:Aug 23, Full day

Abstract: To achieve advanced processes involved in smart manufacturing, robots should be able to cooperate autonomously with human operators.

Some cooperation tasks require the robots to have a high degree of autonomy, which needs: a) perception and reasoning capabilities; b) adaptive and dynamic task and motion planning capabilities and c) robust grasping and manipulation capabilities. Robots, and more generally smart systems, may not be able to undertake complex tasks fully autonomously, i.e. they should be able to assist human operators whenever the task is difficult or dangerous, while also using the cognitive capacities of the human operators. In this line, the workshop will address the challenges and latest achievements related to interaction and collaboration between humans and robots or smart systems. This may include task planning and motion planning, interactive and/or immersive simulation, human operators in a collaboration with robots and smart systems. In all cases, authority sharing between humans and robots or systems, and intention detection are key challenges to be addressed. The planning and interaction features of smart robotic systems for the effective collaboration with humans may be enhanced by using knowledge. The formal representation of knowledge using ontologies provides robots with reasoning capabilities, which can be exploited to make them adaptable to changing situations.  Ontologies for perception, world modeling, planning or navigation can make robots, smart systems or simulation tools context- and self-aware, and allow them to act in a smart way.  They may supply robots, smart systems or simulation tools with trade- or task-oriented information, for a more relevant use in a given industrial context and more generally in the industry 4.0 context.

Detailed workshop program 


WS4: Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems with an automation perspective: advances in academia and industry

Organizers: Eric ZAMAI, Cédric Escudero

Date : Aug 23, Full Day

Abstract : Since the beginning of the century, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have received a lot of attention in academics and industry. Indeed, the integration of information and communication technology in the control of physical systems is commonly admitted as a requirement to improve the performance of industrial plants, i.e. access to operational data and reconfiguration capabilities of the control system. Nevertheless, this integration has increased the vulnerability of such systems. The controllers, sensors and actuators are nowadays embedded in computer-based systems, and legacy communication systems have been progressively replaced by network-based systems. So, ICSs are now exposed to cyberattacks leveraging the access to operational data and the reconfiguration capabilities of the controllers in order to alter the behavior of the physical system. Well-known cyberattacks examples are the Stuxnet malware on a uranium enrichment plant in 2010, the Crash Override malware on the Ukrainian power grid in 2015, the Triton malware on a petrochemical facility in 2018, and recently on water treatment systems in Israel and in USA.

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WS5: Developing a Common Knowledge on Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing Systems

Organizers: Andrea Matta, Marco Macchi

Date: Aug 23, Half Day

Abstract: The latest developments in industry involved the deployment of digital twins for both long and short term decision making, such as supply chain management, production planning and control. Modern production environments will create value from data loops, from sensors to actuators, making optimal decisions aligned with the evolution of the system thanks to the real time predictions of digital twins. As a result, the development and implementation of digital twins seem to be a key for the success of smart manufacturing systems. However, what digital twins are in practice and how industries can fully use their potentialities is still an open debate both in academia and industries. Indeed, digital twins are not uniquely identified by the manufacturing community. The fact that digital twins can be conceived differently and for different decisions to represent the same manufacturing system does not help to clarify. Furthermore, different research communities approach digital twins with different perspectives that sometimes can also lead to extremely different concepts. All this has created a lot of misunderstandings and a sort of cloudy effect on the term digital twin.

This workshop will contribute to develop a common knowledge on digital twins and put the basis for a technical multi-disciplinary committee. A panel of scholars and practitioners from manufacturing industries will discuss the role of digital twins in manufacturing and their future perspectives. Scholars will come from different research communities such as IEEE-RAS, IFAC, INFORMS, CIRP, ASME. A list of fundamental questions will be posed to panelists who, in turn, will share their ideas and position. Conclusions will be drawn at the end of the workshop.

Detailed workshop program


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